• Classified Retirement

  • Things to Remember


    Congratulations on your retirement!

    KCS wants to make your transition into retirement as smooth as possible. We have come up with a list of a few things to remember. 

    1. Employees must meet and/or complete paperwork with the Knox County Retirement and Pension Office 

    2.  Knox County Government will officially retire the employee the 1st day of the month following your last check

    3. To continue the benefits of life, health, dental, and vision insurance you will need to speak with a member of the KCS Benefits Department

    4. If you wish to return to KCS as a retiree you must wait 120 calendar days  from the date of your last paycheck and approval of Knox County Retirement and Pension Board before you can apply to return to work



    for the 2024-2025 School Year




    September 12

    December 20

    any – semester end

    September 22

    December 31

    any – semester end

    February 11

    May 22


    February 12

    May 23


    February 12

    May 23


    February 23

    June 2

    205, 211, 216, 221

    March 8

    June 16


    March 16

    June 24


    March 22

    June 30



    The above dates are for those working until the end of a contract.  If you choose to retire at another time throughout the year, the 100 day deadline still applies in order to receive the sick leave incentive.  Your retirement commitment letter must be in the Retirement Office 100 calendar days prior to your last day of work.

    You may fax the commitment letter to 594-9523 or send it via school mail to the Benefits Office, 5th Floor, UT Tower.  If you would like a confirmation receipt, please state that on the form.

    Once you have sent in your commitment letter, classified employees should contact the Knox County Pension Board at 865-215-2323 or retirement@knoxcounty.org.  Classified employees choosing to continue insurance at retirement (health, dental, vision, or life) should also contact the Benefits Department for the appropriate forms.

  • Voluntary 457

    As a classified employee and a participant in the Asset Accumulation Plan, you are eligible to contribute into a Voluntary 457(b).  You may elect to contribute an additional percentage of pay on a pre-tax basis into any one of the four vendors under the Knox County Retirement & Pension Board. Your contributions would be matched based on your years of service. Please note that your contributions would be subject to the annual IRS limit guidelines.

    Years of Service

    Employer Matching Contributions

    Less than 5 years


    5 to 9 years

    Up to 2%

    10-14 years

    Up to 4%

    15 or more years

    Up to 6%

  • Beneficiaries

    If you are experiencing a change in status such as marriage, divorce, etc... or if your beneficiary passes away, please remember to change your beneficiary information as soon as possible.

    » Beneficiary Change Form


    Your original form should be sent to:

    Knox County Retirement & Pension Board
    City County Building, Room 371
    400 Main Street
    Knoxville, TN 37902

Retirement Links