• Music & Performing Arts

  • The study of music contributes to the quality of every student's life in important ways. Through singing, composing, and playing instruments, students can express themselves creatively.

    Knowledge of notation and performance traditions enables them to learn new music independently throughout their lives. Skills in analysis, evaluation, and synthesis are important because they enable students to recognize and pursue excellence in their musical experiences and to understand and enrich their environment.

    Because music is an integral part of human history, the ability to listen with understanding is essential if students are to gain a broad cultural and historical perspective. The adult life of every student is enriched by the skills, knowledge and habits acquired in the study of music.

    Every course in music, including our performance courses, provides instruction in creating, performing, listening to and analyzing music, with a focus on music appreciation.

    Young people who participate in the arts are:

    • 4 times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement

    • 3 times more likely to receive an award for school attendance

    • 4 times more likely to win an award for writing an essay or poem

    The facts are that music education makes a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of everyone. It has proven to help level the "learning field" across socioeconomic boundaries. (UCLA Imagination Project, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, UCLA).

    Music education also has a measurable impact on youth at risk in deterring delinquency and truancy problems while increasing overall academic performance.

    Click here for a link to our textbooks.

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