• The department of Visual Impairments is to provide direct and/or consultative special education services specific to vision loss. The Vision Department provides support to students, teachers, and parents and acts as a liaison with community services, works with the educational team by advising the team to create a classroom environment that encourages independence, academic success, and prepare the student to be the most productive member of society they can be.  


    Visual Impairment is a special education service for students who have a medical diagnosis. A child with a visual impairment is one whose vision, even with correction, adversely impacts a child’s educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness in visual acuity, visual field restriction and other visual impairment resulting from a medically documented condition from congenital defects, eye diseases, or injuries to the eye.  


    The vision department provides three types of service professionals who provide the following services: 

    1. Certified teacher for students with visual impairments (CTVI) is assigned schools to provide direct and/or consultative special education services relating to visual impairments.  
    2. Orientation and mobility (O&M) is that part of the educational process that prepares students with visual impairments to travel independently and safely. 
    3. The braillist/tactile materials specialist provides braille embossed materials as determined by the CTVI teacher and the classroom teacher. 
    • Interpret Medical Reports 
    • Conduct Specialized Assessments and Make Recommendations 
    • Actively Participate in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) 
    • Recommend Educational & Instructional Strategies 
    • Ongoing Observations 
    • Use of Natural Environments to Address Goals 
    • Communication with Caregivers and Classroom Teachers Direct Instruction in the Expanded Core Curriculum 

    Vision Specialist are pictured below: Aaron Taylor, Amanda Taylor, Gretchen Hartmann, Melanie Pendergraft, Susan Merryman. Not pictured are Aaron Krough, Rosemary Reed and Lauren Switzer)

    Aaron Taylor Amanda Taylor Gretchen Hartmann Melanie Pendergraft Susan Merryman

    Vision Braillist are pictured below: Janet French, Amy Kouvas (not pictured)

    Janet French

    Vision Screening Technicians are : Suzanne Davis, (Not pictured are Sherry Turpin, Lisa Stephens, Amy Stambaugh, Jude Wilson and Rachel Zeringue)

    Suzanne Davis