• Driver Education

  • Driver Education is a class available to students who are at least 15 years old prior to beginning the course in grades 10-12. The instructional phases consist of classroom, simulation, driving range, and on-street driving instruction.

    The course will be taught as a one-unit course with sufficient instructional contact time with the driver education teacher and the inclusion of safety education. Learners permits are not required but are highly recommended to allow parents to work with the student to coincide with the drive time that they will receive in class to prepare for the driving test.

    Driver Education Locations

    The following schools continue to offer Driver Education - Bearden High, Central High, Farragut High, Fulton High, Gibbs High, Halls High, Hardin Valley Academy, Karns High, Powell High, and South Doyle High.


Humanities Supervisor Contact

  • Heather Casteel

    Heather Casteel, PhD

    Humanities Supervisor

    Visual Arts Specialist

    UTT Tower
    4th Floor
    400 W Summit Hill Dr
    Knoxville, TN 37902

    (865) 594-1727 Office

    (865) 594-3659 Fax