• Board Photo 24-25

  • The Board is currently accepting applications for 2025-2026 Student Representative. Detailed information can be found here.

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  • Board of Education

    Knox County Schools operates within policies set by a nine-member Board of Education. Board members are elected by district to a four-year term. Their constituency includes residents from the City of Knoxville, Knox County and the Town of Farragut. This body provides direction and oversight for all public schools within the county. The Superintendent is appointed by the Board of Education and serves as the chief executive officer of the school system.

  • Our Vision

    The Knox County Board of Education's vision is to grow lifelong learners who contribute their talents, strengths and skills to build a stronger community.

  • Our Mission

    The Knox County Board of Education's mission is to provide excellent and accessible learning opportunities that empower all students to realize their full potential.

  • Our Legislative Priorities

    With higher academic standards, innovative instructional initiatives and intensive accountability, Tennessee has become a national leader in public education reform. In order to maintain this leadership position, accelerate our achievements and ensure that every child in the Volunteer State receives a high quality education, the Knox County Board of Education adopts a legislative agenda.

    » Read the Priorities

  • Board Meeting Agendas

    The agenda for Board of Education meetings is developed by the Board Chair and the Superintendent.  Staff members or citizens of the district may suggest items for the agenda.

    » View Board Meeting Agendas

  • Speaking at Public Form

    Each meeting has a Public Forum during which citizens may speak to the Board about any education-related concerns they may have. Public Forums held at work sessions immediately prior to a regular monthly meeting, quarterly work sessions, and called or special meetings are limited to topics on the respective meeting agendas. Regular session Public Forums are open to any topic. Interested persons may sign up to speak by contacting the Board Executive Assistant no later than 4:00 p.m. the day prior to the scheduled meeting at 865-594-1623 or by registering with the Board Vice Chair prior to the start of the meeting.

    Public Forum speakers shall address remarks to the entire Board and not individual members. Each person speaking shall state his or her name and county of residence and have up to three (3) minutes to make remarks unless time is extended by a majority vote of the Board. Members of the Board and the Director of Schools may have the privilege of asking questions of any person who addresses the Board.

    The Board respects and appreciates the good intentions that bring citizens to speak at Public Forum. The Board asks that speakers show their respect for the Board, the staff and other citizens by speaking in a manner that is civil and courteous. The Chair or Vice Chair shall have the authority to terminate the remarks of any individual who is disruptive, degrading and/or insulting or who does not adhere to Public Forum rules. Individuals seeking additional information about Public Forum or any item on a meeting agenda shall direct inquiries to the office of the Board of Education or the Director of Schools.


    Board Meetings


    Meeting Location:

    All Board meetings are held in the Boardroom of the Summer Place Building located at 500 W. Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, TN 37902.  The public entrance may be accessed on the Walnut Street side of the Summer Place Building across from the intersection of Walnut Street and Wall Street.  The closest public parking is the Market Square Parking Garage located at 402 Walnut Street, Knoxville, TN 37902.

    Work Sessions:

    First Monday of each month at 5 p.m., unless otherwise noted. Please reference Annual Calendar for detailed information

    Regular Sessions:

    Thursday following the work session of each month at 5 p.m., unless otherwise noted. Please reference Annual Calendar for detailed information.

    Quarterly Workshops:

    Additional work sessions are typically scheduled during the months of January, July, and October to discuss pertinent educational topics and current issues. These work sessions are typically held the last Thursday of those months, unless otherwise noted. Please reference Annual Calendar for detailed information.

    Special Called Meetings:

    The Board shall hold such special meetings as necessary to transact the business of the Board. Such meetings shall be called by the Chair whenever, in his or her judgment, the interests of the schools require it or when requested to do so by a majority of the Board.

    Executive Sessions:

    Executive sessions are called as needed. Executive sessions are closed to the public and are for the Board to discuss legal issues with the Board attorney. All other meetings are open to the public.