Gifted and Talented
The Gifted and Talented (GT) Coaching staff welcomes you and your family to our website. On this page, you will find links to information about your GT Coach, program and curricular details, and other gifted education resources. GT Coaches emphasize creating and maintaining stimulating classroom environments with academic rigor for our advanced and gifted learners. We work collaboratively with administrators and classroom teachers to create and share resources designed specifically for advanced learners. Please contact the GT coach at your child's school by clicking the drop-down menu below or Dr. Daphne Odom, GT Supervisor, to help answer any questions you may have about the opportunities available for your child.
The GT Department is eager to share the many resources our GT Coaches have to offer students and classroom teachers. We have been hard at work creating resources and activities to help support classroom teachers meet the needs of the advanced learner. Classroom teachers, Gifted and Talented Coaches, the Gifted and Talented Supervisor, Curriculum and Instruction Coaches, and department supervisors work closely to plan appropriate instruction for students as needed. Knox County Schools is committed to providing opportunities to nurture, challenge, and develop the potential of high-ability students.
Vision/Mission Statement
The KCS Gifted and Talented Department strive to create a SAFE environment for each other, our teachers, students, schools, and parents where we value Support, Advocacy, Flexibility, and Empathy.
As instructional coaches, we will meet each teacher where they are as we seek to create a SHIFT in service delivery and instructional practice in order for every teacher to feel confident in providing challenging and engaging instruction requiring students to persevere through complex tasks.
As gifted practitioners, we will meet each student where they are as we seek to create a SHIFT in student efficacy in order for every student to feel confident in participating in complex tasks, advocating for themselves, and utilizing a growth mindset.
Daphne Odom
Gifted and Talented Supervisor
daphne.odom@knoxschools.org(865) 594-1521
G&T Staff Directory