TeacherPreneur Grant Program

  • GSP
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    KCS Innovation
    Teachers are our greatest instructional experts. The Great Schools Partnership and Knox County Schools Office of Innovation recognize this and are looking for Knoxville’s best TeacherPreneurs. What is a TeacherPreneur? Entrepreneurs develop successful new business strategies, and TeacherPreneurs develop successful new instructional strategies.

    The Knox County Schools strategic plan, Excellence for Every Child, calls upon the district to “Invest in our People.” More specifically, the plan encourages staff to be “educational leaders and creative problem solvers. We will encourage our people to use their expertise and creativity to improve our district and the learning opportunities we provide to our students.” The plan goes on to envision classrooms as “innovation labs” where teachers develop, organize, store and share “new and great ideas” for teaching.

    If you’re a Knox County teacher with a promising idea for how to improve learning we’d like to hear from you. You might qualify for up to $25,000 in grant money and a chance to share your big idea with others.

    A note: Please remember when creating your idea that the actual purchasing of technology to improve classroom instruction is not innovative. Instead, HOW a teacher uses technology to improve instruction might be a suitable idea for a TeacherPreneur Grant.

    How to apply:
    All applications will be submitted online. Interested applicants should click here and follow the listed instructions. Applications are due Nov. 4, 2016, by 5 p.m. Finalists will be chosen in early December, and winners will be announced in late December.

    You can apply by visiting the Great Schools Partnership website at http://www.greatschoolspartnership.com/teacherpreneur/

    Thank you for sharing your ideas about how to make learning even better in the Knox County Schools! We cannot WAIT to read these ideas.

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