Research, Evaluation, & Assessment
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Research, Evaluation, Assessment
The Office of Research, Evaluation, and Assessment is responsible for district accountability and organizational performance, with the ultimate goal of increasing student academic achievement. Staff members lead efforts to interpret data, identify root causes, and provide actionable feedback to inform strategic planning and resource allocation. Research, Evaluation, and Assessment directs and coordinates the following areas: Elementary and Secondary Education Act compliance; assessment; research; program evaluation; performance evaluation, data collection and support; performance-based compensation data collection and support; federal programs; strategic planning and improvement; and competitive grant funding and management.
Measuring Student Growth in Tennessee
Want to learn more about TVAAS? Check out this great article by SCORE.
Looking for permission to conduct research in Knox County Schools?Go to the Research Request page for our regulations and procedures document.
REA Staff
Steven Rudder
Director of Research and Evaluation(865) 594-1735 OfficeClint Sattler
Supervisor of Research and Evaluation(865) 594-3889 OfficeDr. Charli Kerns
Dr. Rich McKinney
Jessica Cavalaris
Assessment GeneralistAssistant to Supervisor of Assessments andAssistant to Research and Evaluation Team(865) 594-1735 Office(865) 594-1609 FaxDr. Laura Denton
Grant Development Manager(865) 594-8080 Office