• Strategic Plan 2025-2030

    Public school systems have a unique opportunity to empower every student to excel academically and graduate well-prepared for their future. Under the direction of the Knox County Board of Education, KCS is in the process of developing a new five-year strategic plan to begin in 2025.

    SP Phase 3

    In August 2024, a five-member Strategic Plan Committee was established to oversee the development of a five-year road map to increase student outcomes. They selected two vendors to facilitate key stakeholder engagement and evaluate district data. Committee members include: 

    • Kristi Kristy, Committee Chair - Board of Education District 9 Representative
    • Betsy Henderson - Board of Education Chair & District 6 Representative
    • Rev. Dr. John Butler - Board of Education District 1 Representative
    • Kori Lautner - KCS Assistant Superintendent of Strategy
    • Steve Rudder - KCS Director of Impact


    Community Feedback

    The district is gathering feedback from key stakeholders to guide the creation of a new strategic plan for 2025-2030. On Wednesday, September 25, 2024, KCS distributed three surveys to gather input from families, staff, and community members on topics such as academic achievement, staffing, career empowerment, and student supports. A family survey was shared with KCS families through the ParentSquare messaging system, and employees received a staff survey by email.

    KCS also wants to hear from our community. We hope community members will complete a survey available at this link. The deadline to complete the survey was October 18. Sign up for a focus group at this link.

    » Community Survey   » Frequently Asked Questions


    Annual Action Plan

    In October of each year, the Knox County Board of Education approves an Annual Action Plan to serve as a one-year road map with intentional strategies and target objectives to move forward each of the district’s four priorities: Excellence in Foundational SkillsGreat Educators in Every SchoolCareer Empowerment and Preparation, and Success for all Students.

    The district’s first Annual Report was issued in early fall 2023 to share data, celebrate successes, and evaluate opportunities for improvement in the 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan.

      Increasing Student Achievement

      • Knox County Schools is committed to providing every student with a high-quality education. Our professional educators promote student growth and academic success in a way that prepares students to thrive in a flourishing community. Our goal of continuous improvement in reading and math proficiency will propel students toward their desired postsecondary path.



        Provide dedicated and qualified instructional reading support for elementary schools

        Continue training PreK and elementary teachers with effective strategies for how to diagnose barriers to reading


        Design and use, with intention, real-world projects and programs that are engaging and relevant, to increase intrinsic motivation for students to progress


        Create and implement a plan for all high schools to increase composite ACT scores

        Align career and technical course offerings to ensure progress toward industry certification

        Develop school-level plans to increase the number of students completing Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Cambridge International, dual enrollment, and/or technical-career courses prior to graduation

        Educate students and families on how to navigate all aspects of college and career entry

      Eliminating Disparities

      • Knox County Schools is working to eliminate disparities in both academic achievement and discipline and to provide access to learning opportunities that reflect a rich diversity in a culturally sensitive manner. The district will continue to place priority on preparing our students to interact in our increasingly diverse society. We will focus on whole-child development through education in the arts, physical activity, wellness, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), and world languages.


        Provide Student Support

        Develop a well-executed principal preparedness program to train effective, visionary administrators

        Equip educators and align resources, tools, and training to be culturally responsive, build positive relationships, and reflect the diverse needs of ALL students

        Provide training for all staff in Adverse Childhood Experiences, monitor progress and refine best practices of behavior support systems to address specific school needs

        Seek and advocate funding for additional mental health professionals

        Engage school community to educate and respond to bullying

        Narrow Achievement Gaps

        Use multiple strategies to recruit and retain experienced educators at high-needs schools

        Maintain commitment to provide effective class sizes for instructional, academic and behavioral support

        Continue to invest in the professional growth and support of all educators by offering training and learning opportunities tailored to meet individual needs

        Improve Student Access

        Develop strategies to ensure student access to advanced academic programs and Career & Technical Education courses

        Continue to review, evaluate and strengthen special education services for students with disabilities

        Maintain and reinforce the KCS commitment to arts education

      Creativing a Positive Culture

      • Knox County Schools seeks to create a culture of open communication among students, faculty and staff and to promote transparent, two-way dialogue with stakeholders. The district will continue to build a team of outstanding teachers and administrators and to compensate them at a level that reflects our high standards. We will also emphasize fiscal responsibility by ensuring strong management and oversight systems.


        Exceptional Place to Work and Learn

        Improve regional standing for teacher compensation with competitive salaries and benefits

        Improve support personnel compensation

        Create Minority Educators Advisory Council to address and enhance staff diversity

        Continue to evaluate and improve working and learning conditions

        Effective Communication

        Develop district-wide communication plan focused on increasing engagement with staff and families

        Engage community voice and stakeholder advisory groups to gather input and recommendations for district improvements

        Provide annual report and ongoing updates on strategic plan initiative

        Strong Fiscal Engagement

        Clarify and strengthen financial procedures and practices at district/school levels to reduce audit findings

        Ensure transparency in the program evaluation and budget process

        Continue to implement best practices in managing capital assets and transportation services