All Knox County School employees may elect to participate in a 403(b) or 457 tax shelter plan. Employees will find a list of approved vendors on the Knox County Schools website or by calling the Benefits Department at 594-1686. The employee should contact a vendor of their choice to establish an account. They must then submit a Tax Shelter Payroll Deduction/Change form to the Benefits office to start their contributions.
Payroll deducted contributions may begin the month following submission of the Tax Shelter Payroll Deduction Authorization/Change form in accordance with the IRS regulations.
Employees may enroll and change their contributions at any time except from June 6th through August 30th, for monthly paid employees.
When an employee wishes to make changes in the amount withheld, the employee must submit a new form, reflecting the corrected amount to be deducted.
For additional information you may contact the Benefits Department at 594-1686