In grade four, your child will use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve word problems, including problems involving measurement of volume, mass, and time. Students will continue to build their understanding of fractions—creating equal fractions, comparing the size of fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, and multiplying fractions by whole numbers. They will also start to understand the relationship between fractions and decimals. Activities in these areas will include:
• Adding and subtracting whole numbers up to 1 million quickly and accurately using the standard algorithm
• Solving multi-step word problems, including problems involving measurement
• Multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers
• Extending understanding of fractions by comparing the size of two fractions with different numerators (top numbers) and different denominators (bottom numbers)
• Creating equal fractions (3⁄4 = 3x2⁄4x2 = 6⁄8)
• Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator
• Building fractions from smaller fractions (3⁄8 = 1⁄8+1⁄8+1⁄8)
• Connecting addition and subtraction of whole numbers to multiplying fractions by whole numbers
• Connecting addition of fractions to the concept of angle measurement
• Representing and interpreting data
• Converting fractions with denominators of 10 or 100 into decimals
• Locating decimals on a number line
• Comparing decimals and fractions using the symbols > (more than), = (equal to), and < (less than)