The Transition School to Work Grant (TSW) is a collaboration between TN DHS, TN Vocational Rehabilitation, and Knox County Schools via the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) signed into law in July of 2014. WIOA provides the means for students ages 14 to 22 with a disability to receive Pre-Employment Transition Servics.
Pre-Employment Transition Services (pre-ets) are disseminated through TSW in conjunction with the student's high school case manager or SpED teacher. Pre-ets includes teaching skills in the areas of job exploration, work-based learning, workplace readiness, self-advocacy, and post-secondary counseling & enrollment assistance. Either a TSW team member or a Community Rehabilitation Program employee will provide the services in the schools during school hours. To obtain these services, please reach out to your student's high school case manager or call TSW at 865-594-1490.
A permission form must be filled out completely and signed by a parent/guardian/student 18 or older in order to get service. The permission form can be emailed (scanned or a picture) to or given to the SPED teacher/case manager.