• Elementary School Summer Program Frequently Asked Questions



    What is the KCS Elementary Summer Learning Camp?

    The Elementary Summer Learning Camp is a free 4-week program that will begin on May 29 and will run through June 26. This camp will include 7 hours of daily, in-person programming from 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Monday-Friday, including:

    • Instruction in English Language Arts and math
    • Encore programming focused on science, technology, reading, engineering, arts, and math
    • Reading and math intervention
    • Recess

    Who is eligible for this program?

    Families of eligible students received a notification email on March 6, 2024.


    Are students required to attend this program?

    This program is voluntary for rising K, 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd- and 5th-grade students.

    However, in accordance with recent state legislation, some rising 4th-grade students will be required to attend camp to be promoted to 4th grade. Because of that requirement, KCS will be prioritizing available seats to rising 4th graders.

    This requirement is based on TCAP scores, and our district expects to receive those scores on May 20. Schools will communicate the pathways that are available to allow students to move on to 4th grade, including free summer school and / or tutoring supports.


    My student gets good grades. Why are they eligible for this program?

    Some students are eligible because they are struggling academically, but other students are eligible because of factors including the overall academic performance at their base school or economic challenges facing their family.


    Why is this program being offered?

    In January, 2021, the Tennessee General Assembly enacted the Tennessee Learning Loss Remediation and Student Acceleration Act to support students whose learning was interrupted by COVID-19. As part of this initiative, Tennessee school districts are required to offer learning loss remediation programs for eligible students.


    My student will be unavailable during a portion of the 4-week camp period. Are they still able to enroll?

    Students will receive the greatest academic benefits by attending the full 4-week camp. However, students who will be unavailable for a limited number of days may still enroll in the program. Rising 4th grade students will be allowed to miss no more than three days of Elementary Summer Learning Camp to be eligible for promotion. Rising 4th grade students who miss two or three days will be required to make up missed days on June 27 and June 28, 2024.


    Will the Summer Learning Camp be held at my student’s school?

    The district has identified 24 elementary schools to host the summer learning program. See a complete list of locations.


    Will bus transportation be provided?

    Yes, Knox County Schools will provide bus transportation for the Elementary Summer Learning Camp to the student’s zoned / assigned school. Students who attend an SLC site other than their zoned or assigned school will be required to provide their own transportation.


    Will meals be provided?

    Yes, free breakfast and lunch meals will be provided to all attendees.


    Will students get credit for this program?

    We believe the Summer Learning Camp is an important tool to help students prepare for their next grade level. However, participation in this camp will not affect a student’s grades from the spring semester and will not provide credit for classes in the fall semester.


    How do I sign up?

    Eligible families received a follow-up email on March 6 with an interest link. Interest was open from March 6 through April 7.


    Is this program available for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)?

    During Summer Learning Camp, the full scope of Special Education services may not be available, and programming will not be intended to address IEP goals. This is an optional program and students will not be assigned grades. The Department of Student Success will work with staff to ensure that all students have the support needed in order to access programming.


    What is the status of additional programming for students with IEPs?

    Determinations regarding traditional Special Education Extended School Year (ESY) services will be made as they have been in the past by IEP teams.


    Will students with 504 plans receive supports?

    Students with 504 plans who are eligible to attend Summer Learning Camp will be provided supports to access the curriculum.


    Will English Language Learner (ELL) services be available?

    During Summer Learning Camp the full scope of ELL services may not be available. This is an optional program and students will not be assigned grades. The Department of Student Success will work with school staff to ensure that all students have the support needed in order to access programming.


    What level of health services will be provided?

    Each school site will have access to a nurse, but not all sites will have a full-time nurse onsite.