Welcome to the Grants Department!

  • The Grants Management Office seeks competitive grants to promote innovation and progress in the Knox County Schools.  Services provided by the Grants Management Office include:

    • Researching the availability of federal, state and private grants;
    • Facilitating grant collaboration between KCS departments, schools and community partners including Letters of Support;
    • Providing technical assistance to KCS staff preparing and submitting grant proposals;
    • Shepherding grants received by KCS for Board of Education approval; and 
    • Coordinating competitive grant development and management for district strategic initiatives.
    If you are a community partner interested in collaborating with KCS on a grant or requesting a Letter of Support please click here
    If you are a KCS staff member looking for resources on grant writing please click here


Grant Spotlight

  • Vine Middle's Real Talk Opens Doors

    Vine Middle School's Clarence Swearengen started Real Talk as a before school program for Vine's mostly minority male students featuring speakers with recognizable names. This year, Real Talk received Tennessee Community Crime Reduction Program (TCCRP) funding through the City of Knoxville to expand the program to include field trips to industry and institutions of higher learning. Students will not only hear about their opportunities but be able to touch and view those options firsthand! 

    Real Talk was recently featured on Knoxville's Local 8 WATE.

    RealTalk Speaker RealTalkGame


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  • Bearden Middle School MakerSpace

    Congrats to Bearden Middle School and Kayla Canario on the Grand Opening of their MakerSpace funded by a $40,000 Verizon Innovation Learning Maker Grant! Students (and adults) had a great time learning through making at the opening. We have great ideas how to make this happen at your school for much less than $40,000! Contact your KCS Grants Office for assistance in making this a reality for your students!

    MakerSpace Overview



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Grants Staff