Grades K-5 Grade Scales and Grading Period information

  • The elementary grading period consists of a nine-weeks format. There are four nine week grading periods in a school year. Report cards are to be sent home no later than ten days after a grading period ends. Each elementary school will also send home a comprehensive interim report for each child at the halfway point of each grading period, ensuring that parents can monitor their child’s performance on a monthly basis.
    The Report Card 
    The report card in Grades K-5 will be issued by the school for each of the four nine-week grading periods. These grading periods are defined by the Knox County Schools annual system-wide school calendar.
    Kindergarten Proficiency Levels
    ME = Meets Expectations
    DE = Developing Understanding of Expectations
    LE = Limited Understanding of Expectations
    Grades 1-2 Academics
    The grade scale for Reading, Writing, Art, Mathematics, Music, Social Studies, ELL, Physical Education, Science:
    E (Excellent) = 93-100
    S (Satisfactory) = 92-75
    N (Needs Improvement) = 74 and below
    Work Habits (1-5)
    E (Excellent) = 93-100
    S (Satisfactory) = 92-75
    N (Needs Improvement) = 74 and below
    Behavior/Conduct (1-5)  
    A, B, C, D, and U
    A = Excellent = 93-100
    B = Good = 85-92
    C = Average = 75-84
    D = Below Average = 70-74
    U = Unsatisfactory = Below 70
    Grades 3-5 Academics
    The Grade Scale for Reading, Language/Writing, Art, Mathematics, Music, Social Studies, ELL, Physical Education, Science, and Behavior.
    A, B, C, D, and U
    A = Excellent = 93-100
    B = Good = 85-92
    C = Average = 75-84
    D = Below Average = 70-74
    U = Unsatisfactory = Below 70

    Grading Periods: Please see the current year calendar for beginning/ending of grading periods. Grading periods may change due to days missed because of inclement weather or other reasons.