Eighth Grade

  • Eighth grade students will study the European settlement of North America and the role geographic features played in the early settlement of Thirteen Colonies. Students will examine the development and maturation of the Thirteen Colonies and the political, cultural, and economic influences that led to the American Revolution. Students will analyze the major events and outcomes of the American Revolution as well as the individuals who played influential roles in the development of the new nation. Students will follow the development of the United States and its government, continuing through the early 19th century. Students will analyze the impact of the expansion and sectionalism of the U.S., including implications on domestic and foreign policy. Students will also study policies that affected American Indians and African Americans. Finally, students will examine the major events and issues leading up to the Civil War, individuals and events that were significant during the war, and the resulting era of Reconstruction.

    This course will place Tennessee history, government, and geography in context with U.S. history in order to illustrate the role our state has played in American history.

    This course is the first of a two year survey of U.S. history and geography and picks up where 7th grade finishes their study of world history. This course is designed to help students think like historians, focusing on historical concepts in order for students to build an understanding of the history of the U.S. Appropriate primary sources have been embedded in the standards in order to enhance students' understanding of the content.


For Social Studies Staff