More than 90 Knox County business and community leaders go back to school to spend a half day in the principal’s office. These leaders also spend time in the classroom, the cafeteria, teacher collaboration meetings, and more, thanks to Knox County Schools Principal for a Day program.
Each of Knox County’s 90 schools have a guest principal. Most “principals” begin their day as students arrive at schools across the district. Throughout the morning, they spend time meeting with the school’s principal, visiting classrooms, engaging with teachers and students, interacting with support staff and experiencing school life first hand.
Program participants and their hosting principals are invited to attend a luncheon where they share their experiences and further discuss what role the broader community plays in helping achieve our three priorities.
“This program allows us to make an important connection between members of our community and our schools,” Thomas said. “By getting community members up close and personal with our students and teachers, we are able to showcase the challenges and opportunities that exist in our schools, and ultimately strengthen relationships that can result in lasting partnerships.”