• Transportation

    Knox County Schools contracts with independent service providers operating more than 335 buses on all instructional days and traveling in excess of 3,000,000 miles each school year. 

    Students in grades K-5 residing greater than one mile from their zoned school, by the shortest route, are eligible. Students in grades 6-12 residing greater than one and one-half miles from their zoned school, by the shortest route, are eligible. Approximately 42,800 students reside outside the Parent Responsibility Zone (PRZ) and are eligible for transportation services.
    Please check the left-hand panel for information regarding bus stop locationsschool zonesschool bus safetysafe routes to school and much more.
  • Transportation Staff

Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"
  • Transportation Contacts

Type Contact
Main 865-594-1550
Special Education Transportation 865-594-0252
Transportation Hotline 865-594-1935
Fax 865-594-1554
Email transportation@knoxschools.org