What is TAP ?
    There are simply not enough talented teachers to ensure the high-quality education that every child in America needs and deserves. Without substantial change, our nation will not be able to achieve sustained and meaningful improvement in student performance. 

    In the 1990s, education in America was leaving too many of our children behind. Education reform pioneer and Milken Family Foundation Chairman Lowell Milken, along with others at the Milken Family Foundation (MFF) — already noted for its national teacher awards — brought together the best available research to develop a comprehensive, systemic school reform model to address the challenges facing K-12 education. They created TAP™: The System for Teacher and Student Advancement, a bold new strategy to attract, retain, develop and motivate talented people to the teaching profession. Because of its broad-based support, results, and high demand, TAP is now operated by the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET), a public charity.
    TAP  Elements of Success 
    Career Advancement: Master and mentor teacher positions allow teachers to move their careers forward without moving out of the classroom.  
    Professional Development: Peers and specialists in each school help teachers improve daily while still staying focused on student need. Weekly professional development sessions, called clusters, provide teachers the opportunity to learn, collaborate, and grow together.
    Evaluation: Using an advanced and insightful framework, evaluators work with teachers regularly to achieve real progress. 
    Performance Compensation: Like other professions, teachers are rewarded for improving themselves and their students.