Sarah Simpson Professional Development Technology Center

  • sspdtc


    Sarah Simpson Professional Development/Technology Center

    801 Tipton Ave • Knoxville, Tennessee 37920
    (865) 579-8264

Departments at SSPDTC

  • About Sarah Simpson Professional Development and Technology Center (SSPDTC)

    At the Sarah Simpson Professional Development and Technology Center (SSPDTC), Knox County Schools operates a training center for teachers, district administrators, supervisors, and support staff to learn the necessary skills to promote and support technology growth in individual schools across the county. The training center includes fully equipped computer labs as well as several meeting areas. For a list of room descriptions please click here.  


    Professional Learning: My Learning Plan (MLP)

    My Learning Plan (MLP) is the main vehicle through which Knox County Schools Certified employees can manage their professional development. MLP can be utilized for school-based as well as system-wide activities. If you want to lead an in-service session, you will be able to go through your school administrator, who will both approve and post the session to MLP. Currently MLP is only available to Certified employees. MLP allows you to view and complete the following:

    • Register for workshops, courses, and conferences that have been entered into the KCS catalog and Calendar.
    • Request Out-of-District credit for sessions.
    • Request Parent-Teacher-Contact Hours.
    • View and print "My Portfolio" for a listing of completed professional learning activities (transcript).
    • View registered and proposed activities.

    All Classified employees can register through the KCS website by signing in with their active directory credentials to view and register for available activities. 

    Educational Technology Department

    The office of Theresa Nixon is located on the first floor of the SSPDTC in the main office. Her phone number is (865) 579-8264 extension 50204. The Educational Department offices are located upstairs in room 204 and 208. For more information please visit their department on the KCS website.

    Office of RTI Coaches

    The office of RTI Coaches is located on the first floor of the SSPDTC in room 103. The phone number for that office is (865) 579-8264 extension 50205.

    Office of Behavioral Liaisons

    The office of Behavioral Liaisons is located on the first floor of the SSPDTC in room 105. The phone number for that office is (865) 579-8264 extension 50206 or 50207.

    Knox County Museum of Education

    The Knox County Museum of Education is located in room 100 on the first floor of the SSPDTC. The museum contains collections of materials from the Knoxville City Schools which merged with the Knox County Schools in 1987 as well as artifacts from Knox County Schools. Records dating back as far as 1820 are available for viewing at the museum. KCME is open on Monday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.


     From Downtown via Henley Street:
    • From Henley Street Bridge, travel south on Chapman Highway.
    • Turn left onto Woodlawn Pike (traffic light at BP Station).
    • Turn at the first left onto Ellis Street.
    • Ellis Street becomes Tipton Avenue as it turns right.
    • The SSPDTC is on the left just past Dogwood Elementary School.


    From the New South Knoxville Connector:

    • Follow the James White Parkway signs to South Knoxville, crossing the river on the South Knoxville Blvd.
    • Travel until you reach the end of the boulevard where you will be forced to exit right onto Davenport. Continue on Davenport for a brief distance, moving to the right lane and continuing to the traffic light.
      • (Note that the following three right turns are in quick succession)
    • At the light turn right onto Sevierville Pike, travel a short distance to the first traffic light.
    • At the first traffic light, turn right onto Woodlawn a very short distance.
    • Immediately turn right again onto Moody Avenue.
    • Turn left at the second road on the left, Tipton Avenue.
    • SSPDTC is on the right just before Dogwood Elementary School.