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Knox County Schools Annual Textbook Adoption
Welcome to the information page for our district's annual textbook adoption cycle. We hope this will provide you all of the information you need in order to understand the important work our committee members are undertaking.
Public Review of Textbook Samples
Public Review Form
Everyone in the Knox County Schools community is welcome and invited to provide input on the textbook adoption process. The adoption committees will consider this input as part of the final selection process. The links below in the "Resources Online" section will allow you to see which books have been approved for each career cluster and to view full samples of these books online. Then, please use this link to an online comment form to provide your input. Responses will be accepted through February 21, 2020.
2019-2020 Textbook Adoption Selections
Resources Online
Approved Textbooks for Adoption Consideration
A spreadsheet listing all textbooks that have been approved at the state level, sorted by publisher, can be downloaded here. Panelists who served on the state review, as well as public review comments from the state review, can also be accessed here.
Access to Online Textbook Samples
Starting in 2015-16, electronic samples of all textbook selections are available online for the public to review.