• Independent Home School Enrollment

    Returning students- directions for enrollment are listed at the bottom of this page


    » Independent Homeschool Information    » TNDOE Home School Website

    New Independent Home School Student Enrollment Process

    Please follow the steps below to enroll your child as a new independent home school student.

    STEP 1: Intent to Home School Form

    Print, complete and submit an Intent to Home School Form annually.


    Intent to Home School Form

    STEP 2: Proof of Education

    Submit Proof of Education for the parent or legal guardian (at least a high school diploma or GED). Proof of education can be a copy of the parent or legal guardian's high school diploma/GED or a copy of the parent or legal guardian's college diploma or transcripts. Proof of education is only required for initial enrollment in the program.

    Step 3: Mail All Required Forms 
    For new students, all required paperwork (Intent to Home School Form and proof of education) must be emailed at the same time to homeschool@knoxschools.org.  Incomplete applications including the Intent Form and proof of education will not be processed.

    STEP 5: Attendance Calendar

    Download the Tennessee Department of Education 2024-2025 Attendance Calendar. You must document daily attendance by placing an "x" in the box for each day you provide four hours of instruction.  Submit the completed calendar to Knox County Schools after completion of 180 instructional days. Attendance Calendars are due at the end of each school year by June 30.  We recommend submitting your Attendance Calendar at the same time as you submit your Intent to Home School Form if you plan to home school the following year. 
    After 180 Days of Instruction, Attendance Calendars must be submitted to homeschool@knoxschools.org. 
    If you plan to home school next year, please submit a new Intent to Home School Form with your Attendance Calendar at the end of the school year.  

    2024-2025 Attendance Calendar


    TSSAA/Sanction Sport (Optional- only for students interested in a TSSAA athletic team):

    If your child(ren) desires to participate in a TSSAA/Sanction sport, the following must take place:
    • Students must be enrolled in a church-related or independent home school program by August 1st of the current school year. 
    • The parent or guardian must make an application for participation in athletics to the principal of the school in which the home school athlete wishes to try out and possibly participate by August 15th of the current school year.
    • Follow all TSSAA Home School Rules. You can find the TSSAA rules and form under the Forms section.  If you have questions regarding TSSAA requirements, please contact your zoned school's athletic director or the KCS Athletic Department. 



    All independent homeschool students are required to register with Knox County Schools home school office at the beginning of EACH school year. If your child has previously been enrolled as an independent home school student with KCS, only the Intent-to-Homeschool Form is required. We do not need proof of education or immunization record after the initial enrollment.

    Please email homeschool@knoxschools.org the Intent to Home School Form annually prior to beginning home school instruction and the Attendance Calendar when 180 days of instruction has been provided.