• Maintenance and Operations

    The Maintenance & Operations Department oversees the cleaning and maintenance of all 91 schools, including 51 elementary schools, 16 middle schools, 16 high schools, 2 vocational centers, 4 non-traditional schools, and 2 early childhood development centers. 

    Some of these sites may have more than one building. These sites range in age from brand new to nearly 100 years old. Together these sites have over 10,000,000 square feet of roofed space.

    These sites encompass 1,500+ acres of property that must be maintained.

     The major functional areas that are the responsibility of KCSMO include:
    • Cleaning of buildings
    • Crafts: Cabinet Makers, Carpentry, Electrical, Environmental, HVAC, Grounds, Locksmith, Masons, Painters, Plumbers, Networking Team, Support Services Team, Surplus/Movers/Drivers, Glaziers
    • Door Access Controls
    • Elevator Services
    • Energy Management
    • Environmental Services (Air Quality, Asbestos, Pest Control, Radon, Termites)
    • Facility Use Scheduling
    • Fire Suppression Equipment
    • FFE (Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment)
    • Grounds Upkeep and Mowing
    • Maintenance of Food Service Equipment
    • Maintenance of Equipment and Facilities
    • Maintenance of Knox County Schools Fleet
    • Moving Services
    • Painting Services
    • Roofing Services
    • Security Monitoring Systems
    • Surplus Management
    • Utilities
    • Waste Disposal


    The KCS Maintenance & Operations Department strives to perform these diverse tasks in an efficient, timely and cost effective manner. Our mission is to provide prompt, efficient and courteous service to you. Additionally, we constantly strive to improve our service to you.

    If I can be of assistance to you, please contact Chris Towe, Director of the Knox County Schools Maintenance & Operations Department, at 594-3633 or email maintenance@knoxschools.org


    Facility Use

    Use of Knox County Schools Facilities by outside groups is administered through the Maintenance and Operations. For information, click here to view the Facility Use Site. For more information, contact the Maintenance Department at (865) 594-3633.

Maintenance and Operations Contact

  •  c

    Chris Towe
    Director of 
    Maintenance and Operations 
    900 East Fifth Avenue
    Knoxville, TN 37917 