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TCAP Scores Show Broad Gains In Student Achievement

TCAP Scores Show Broad Gains In Student Achievement

TCAP scores

July 18, 2023 -- Knox County Schools saw growth in English Language Arts (ELA), math, science, and social studies achievement, according to TCAP scores released this week.

The latest round of scores reflects Spring 2023 and Fall 2022 end-of-course exams. Data released by the State of Tennessee showed that districtwide scores increased in all four categories compared to the prior year, and those gains were particularly significant compared to scores in 2020-21, the first full school year after the COVID-19 pandemic. For the first time, districtwide scores in ELA surpassed those of the pre-pandemic period.

“We are pleased with our progress and applaud our teachers and principals for remaining focused on our district priorities. Their commitment is evident in the gains we are making,” said Superintendent Dr. Jon Rysewyk. “I also want to thank our great community of parents, nonprofits, and business partners for their continued support of our students and schools. We are just getting started and I am excited about the future for our next generation.”

Students receive a performance score based on four categories: “Below Expectations,” “Approaching Expectations,” “Met Expectations,” and “Exceeded Expectations.” Students scoring in the top two performance categories – “Met Expectations” and “Exceeded Expectations” – are considered to be proficient for that content area.

Some key takeaways from the results include:

English Language Arts (ELA)

  • Districtwide, 41.2% of students scored proficient on ELA assessments across all tested grades.
    • 1.7 percentage point increase from last year’s proficiency rate of 39.5%
    • 7.4 percentage point increase from 2020-21's proficiency rate of 33.8%
  • In grades 3-8, 39.5% of students scored proficient on ELA assessments.
  • In grades 9-10, 43% of students scored proficient on ELA assessments.


  • Districtwide, 33.9% of students scored proficient on math assessments across all tested grades.
    • 3.6 percentage point increase from last year’s proficiency rate of 30.3%
    • 4.9 percentage point increase from 2020-21's proficiency rate of 29%
  • In grades 3-8, 37.7% of students scored proficient on math assessments.
  • In grades 9-11, 24.7% of students scored proficient on math assessments.


  • Districtwide, 46.5% of students scored proficient on science assessments across all tested grades.
    • 2.2 percentage point increase from last year’s proficiency rate of 44.3%
    • 2.1 percentage point increase from 2020-21's proficiency rate of 44.4%
  • In grades 3-8, 45.6% of students scored proficient on science assessments
  • In grade 10, 46.8% of students scored proficient on science assessments

Social Studies

  • Districtwide, 49.5% of students scored proficient on social studies assessments across all tested grades.
      • 0.9 percentage point increase from last year’s proficiency rate of 48.6%
      • 4 percentage point increase from 2020-21's proficiency rate of 45.5%
    • In grades 6-8, 49.9% scored proficient on social studies assessments.
    • In grade 11, 41.2% scored proficient on social studies assessments.

When considering district-wide numbers:

  • 41.2% of students met or exceeded grade-level expectations in ELA;
  • 33.9% of students met or exceeded grade-level expectations in math;
  • 46.5% of students met or exceeded grade-level expectations in science; and
  • 49.5% of KCS students met or exceeded grade-level expectations in social studies.

“Over the last year, our district has worked proactively to create structures and systems that put student growth and achievement at the center of our work,” said Dr. Keith Wilson, assistant superintendent for academics. “We believe this effort is already paying dividends, and that these steps will provide our outstanding educators with the support and resources they need to help students overcome the challenges of the last three years.”

The district has identified four priorities to guide its work: Excellence in Foundational Skills, Great Educators in Every School, Career Empowerment and Preparation, and Success for Every Student.