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Procedures for Functional Assessment of Behavior and Positive Behavior Support Plan for Prekindergarten Students with Disabilities

Procedures for Functional Assessment of Behavior and Positive Behavior Support Plan for Prekindergarten Students with Disabilities
Before First Meeting:

The Pre-K Special Education (SPED) teacher completes the Assistive Technology Implementation Plan (ATIP) in the Teacher’s Handbook Appendix J-4 and implements strategies for 3-4 weeks. Pre-K SPED teachers should refer to the Prekindergarten Teacher’s Handbook (Appendix N) for assistance with strategies. If no improvement is evident after documented implementation of the ATIP, the Pre-K SPED teacher will send the ATIP to the designated FAB personnel at their school.

  • q  The designated FAB person and the Pre-K SPED teacher will set up a date to complete a Functional Assessment of Behavior (FAB).

  • q  The Pre-K SPED teacher will send a “Notification of Meeting” through SPED EMS with FAB checked at the top to the parent and other professionals who have knowledge about the child (staffing specialist, speech and language pathologist, Region psychologist, therapists, counselor, assistant principal, social worker, etc.) for the completion of the FAB. A staffing specialist is not required at the first meeting but a school LEA should be present.

    First Meeting:

    • q  The parent will sign the “Informed Notice of Reevaluation Review and/or Consent for Reevaluation” (FM4958). Both “Social” and “Other: FAB/PBSP” should be indicated under the section for assessment area recommendations.

    • q  ATIP is reviewed.

    • q  The “Statement of Problem Behavior and Function” is completed.

    • q  Responsibilities for data collection are assigned and corresponding forms/scales distributed.

    • q  Date for the second meeting is established approximately two weeks later in order to collect data. A

      “Notification of Meeting” through SPED EMS is completed and given to the parent at this time. A staffing specialist is required to attend the second meeting, as there may be changes to the IEP and Matrix.

      Second Meeting:

    • q  Collected data is reviewed.

    • q  Any necessary changes to the “Statement of Problem Behavior and Function” are made.

    • q  Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP) is developed.

    • q  Interim review of IEP is completed. Review Priority Educational Needs (PEN) and Annual Goals to

      reflect PBSP. PBSP is attached to the IEP. Matrix needs to be reviewed and levels adjusted accordingly. New data input sheet must be submitted to data input clerk at school with new Matrix level. The date of FAB/BIP is documented under the “Assurances” section of the SPED EMS IEP.

      After Second Meeting:

    • q  The PBSP is implemented.

    • q  The Pre-K SPED teacher should monitor behaviors and review plan every 2-3 weeks. Revisions can be

      noted on page 4 of the PBSP.

    • q  If progress has not been observed, the Pre-K SPED teacher should begin completing Anecdotal

      Records (Appendix Q) and contact their Pre-K Staffing Specialist in order to begin the RT process.

      ** FAB and PBSP must be initiated prior to April 1, 2015 **