• **  BEARDEN CROSS COUNTRY 2024  **   
    Goals: Introduce students to the sport of cross country running and help each runner improve his/her speed and endurance over the course of the season. 
    Learn that running is fun! Realize your potential.  Maybe even qualify for the State Championships.  This program is for runners or runners-to-be of all levels.
    Season: August 9th through October 5th (regional) or October 26th (state)
    Training: Two formal practices each week from 3:45-5:15 pm Wednesday and Friday. All practices start by the track at BMS. All Friday practices start and end at BMS. Wednesday practices in August start and end at BMS, but as the season goes on, we may start Wednesdays at BMS and end at the West-Side YMCA. Notice of practice cancellations due to lightning or other events will be announced over the school PA prior to the end of school and e-mailed to the cross country distribution list.
    We will have additional optional workouts, usually Monday evenings and Sunday afternoons up until the first meet, but time and place will vary. There will be optional course preview runs the Sunday before each meet.
    First official practice will be Friday August 9th – meet at tent by the track at 3:45. Runners will improve faster if they run more than twice per week.
    Athletes are expected to attend 2 scheduled practices each week and participate in scheduled races during the season. Any deviations should be discussed with a coach ahead of time, but we are willing to work with kids to allow doubling up with other activities (i.e., other sports, Science Olympiad).
    Meets: Six Cross Country races are planned for the fall season. Races are approximately two miles long. Meet start times will vary, but if during the week, they’ll usually start between 5:45-6:45 pm. Plan to arrive, ready to run, at least 30-40 minutes before the start of the race (30 minutes is cutting it close). Parking is a pain, so carpooling and arriving early is recommended.
    Meet dates and locations (some of these could change):
    1. Sat 8/31 at Victor Ashe Park, Knoxville – Girls run at 12:00, boys at 12:45.
    2. Thu 9/5 at Cove Lake State Park, Campbell County
    3. Tues 9/10 at Walters State (Sevierville)
    4. Tues 9/17 at TBA (venue not set yet)
    5. Tues 9/24 at Johnson University, Knoxville
    6. Sat 10/5 Regional champs, at Victor Ashe Park – Girls run at 9:00, boys at 9:45.
    (7. Sat 10/26 State champs, Victor Ashe Park in Knoxville, for those who qualify at Regional, races 12:50/1:20 for girls, 2:15/2:45 for boys)
    Transportation: Participants provide their own transportation to and from practices and races.
    · If your runner does not feel well, he/she should not even think about coming to practice.
    · All runners should bring a full water bottle to practice every day. We run in the heat, and water is essential. 
    We need TWO things to officially register your runner on the team:
    1. A completed registration form. You can fill it out online: 
    Nearly all team communications will be via email; be sure to include preferred email on the registration form.
    2. Fees: $80.00 cash, check, or Venmo ($55 if you have singlet from last season). Covers program administration, insurance, entry fees for all meets, and team race singlet. Make checks payable to Chris Welsh (not to Bearden Middle School or Knox County Schools); Venmo to @Deborah-Welsh-3. Talk to Chris if fees are a significant issue with being able to participate.
     Your runner can come to practice before the form and fees are turned in, but don’t delay on getting them in.
     Shoes and attire: Your runner will need comfortable running shoes and shorts. We often deal with a lot of hot weather, so plan running attire accordingly. If buying running shoes, wherever you happen to go, ask if they have a team discount. Many of the local running stores do. Runner's Market in Bearden (at Western Plaza; 4443 Kingston Pike) has always been very supportive of the Bearden team.
    Volunteers Needed! The Bearden team often has 40 or more runners. With that many, it is essential that we have parent help to avoid total chaos at practices. If you are willing to come and run with a group of kids or just help keep them on task, help with sign in/sign out or dispensing water, we would love to have you. Knoxville Youth Athletics insurance requires anyone working directly with the kids to undergo a free background check. If you can help, contact Coach Chris for a link to the background check site.
     INTRODUCTORY MEETING: We won’t have a formal parent meeting this year. Parents with questions should email or text Coach Chris or plan to stop by one of the first practices to learn more.  If your son/daughter is uncertain about running but willing to give it a try, sign them up and tell them to try it for two weeks.  I can refund fees if they decide it is not for them as long as that decision is made by the Wednesday before the first meet.
    First official practice will be Friday August 9th, right after school at BMS. Practices start at 3:45 and end around 5:15. Please plan to pick your runner up at 5:15.
    Knoxville Youth Athletics will be managing the overall program as they have for years. For more info, https://knoxvilleyouthathletics.org/elementary-and-middle-school-cross-country-program/.  The site has a full listing of race dates and times, direction to meet venues, and much more.
    Coaches: Chris Welsh, cwelsh@retiree.utk.edu  or cell (865) 964-3696 (text first); Scott Holladay, Jscott.holladay@gmail.com; Craig Strand, cstrand@opw.com; Annie Stiles, ahstiles317@gmail.com. Our BMS representative is Hannah Smith, hannah.smith@knoxschools.org.  To contact Coach Welsh by phone, it’s best to text first.