Attendance Information for Bearden Middle
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KCS Attendance Policies
- KCS Attendance Policies (scroll to the bottom of page to policy J-120).
Early Dismissal/Check-Out Information for Bearden Middle School
- No early check-outs after 3:10 p.m. due to dismissal preparation of all students.
- Individuals listed on student's current school record who wish to check-out a student early must do the following.
- Show your identification to the office staff.
- Complete the early dismissal sign-out form at the office.
- Students may not sign themselves out of school under any circumstances.
Late Arrival/Tardy Information for Bearden Middle School
- Any student arriving after 8:25 must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian into the main office (at the Francis Rd side of the building) to be signed-in.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bearden Middle Attendance
When is a student considered absent from Bearden Middle School?
- View KCS Attendance Policies, Attendance Policy J-120, for complete information. The attendance information includes but is not limited to: Students shall be present at least fifty percent (50%) of the scheduled school day in order to be counted present.
Do I need to call Bearden Middle to let the school know that my student will be absent?
- You do not need to call the school to let us know that your student will be absent unless:
- You have information that you would like to give school personnel.
- If your student will be absent three or more consecutive days then do contact the attendance secretary (contact information is at bottom of page).
- Absences will not be excused by a phone call.
When do I need to submit an absent note to Bearden Middle School?
- View KCS Attendance Policies, Attendance Policy J-120, for complete information.
- A note should be given to the school each time a student misses any part of school (including Early Dismissal Absences and Tardy Absences.)
- If you know the absence is not excused, then please write on the note that you are aware the absence is not excused.
How do I submit an absence note to Bearden Middle School?
- Parent Notes may be submitted by:
- Responding to the ParentSquare absence notification or
- Student turns in the absence note to their homeroom teacher
- Medical Notes or other professional notes may be submitted by:
- Attaching and submitting through ParentSquare.
- Emailing a copy to
- If you do not receive an emailed response withing 48 hours then please call the attendance secretary (865-539-7839, take the attendance option) to make sure your email was received.
- Student turns in the absence note to their homeroom teacher
- Fax: 865-539-7851, Attention Attendance
If I have more than one student, does each sibling need their own absence note at Bearden Middle School?
- Each student needs their own absent note.
How many Parent Notes can my student use each year at Bearden Middle School to excuse an absence?
- Students are allowed ten (10) days of Parent Notes per school year to excuse absences; however, Parent Notes do not excuse all absences. View KCS Attendance Policies, Attendance Policy J-120.
What information should I include in the parent absence note for my student at Bearden Middle School?
- Parent Notes should contain the following information:
- Student's legal name
- Date/s of absence/s
- Reason for absence
- If student is absent due to illness, you do not need to go into detail about illness unless you want the school to have the specific information. You may let us know that student was absent due to illness.
- Signature of parent/legal guardian (for paper copies and faxes of absence notes)
- Phone number of parent/legal guardian (for paper copies and faxes of absence notes)
What if my student forgets to turn in their absent note at Bearden Middle School?
- Following every absence, parents/legal guardians can help their student by making sure the absence note is in your student's backpack upon returning to school, reminding your student to turn in their note, and asking your student after school if they turned in their note.
- If your student does not turn in their absence note after two (2) days, then contact and give the following information:
- Your student has forgotten to turn in their absence note, and the student has the note with them.
- The legal name of your student
- Your name
- Your relationship to student
- Your return phone number (if calling the school)
- The date/s of absence/s.
How do I view my student's attendance at Bearden Middle School?
How do I make sure my student turned in their absent note to Bearden Middle School?
What if my student's absence note is not recorded in Aspen at Bearden Middle School?
- Once an absence note has been turned in then parents/legal guardians should view their student's daily attendance, using Aspen Family Portal, two school days after the note has been given to the school. (Use the daily attendance tab, not classroom attendance tab found under the academics tab.)
- If your student's absence has not been excused after two school days, and you believe that it should be, then please contact or have your student come to the student office during homeroom to see the Attendance Secretary.
- All absences are unexcused until they are changed to excused.
- The following are some of the attendance codes you may see when viewing your child's attendance.
- A = Absent (unexcused unless has code E for excused)
- T = Tardy (unexcused)
- D = Early Dismissal (unexcused)
- P = Parent Note
- M = Medical Note
- E = Excused
Does the school contact me if my student was marked absent from Bearden Middle School?
- If we have your contact information, parents/legal guardians should receive an automated ParentSquare notification each day their student has a full day unexcused absence. Parents/Legal Guardians are still responsible for submitting an absence note within five days if they do not receive an absence notification. Absent notes must also be received for Early Dismissal Absences and Tardy Absences. Please opt-in to receive all school messages!
- Students with five (5) or more and ten (10) or more absences will receive correspondence from Knox County Schools and/or Bearden Middle School.
What if I believe that my student's attendance was incorrectly marked by Bearden Middle School?
- Please let the school know, so we can look into the situation and change your student's attendance if needed. You may contact the school by:
- Have your student come to the Student Office to speak with the Attendance Secretary. Parent/Legal Guardian will need to follow up in Aspen to see if the absence has been changed and contact the Attendance Secretary if it is not changed.
- ParentSquare: Respond to the ParentSquare absence notification.
- Email: Using the parent/guardian email address that the school has in Aspen to notify
- Fax: Attention Attendance to 865-539-7851
- Paper Copy: Have your child turn in a note from the parent/guardian to the Student Office.
- Phone: Call (865/539-7839) Bearden Middle and take the attendance option.
Contact Information for Bearden Middle School OnlyBearden Middle Attendance Secretary:
Deborah Chambliss
BMS Phone 865/539-7839 (Take attendance option)
Bearden Middle Social Worker:
Brooke Donohoe