• Applications now available (March 1 - April 1).  View News and Announcements, during the application process, for more information.
    BMS Enrichment Classes Information
    BMS offers three enrichment classes. The classes are offered through an application process to current 6th and 7th graders for the next school year. Students will only be selected for one enrichment class, but may apply for as many as they like. These classes are electives and will replace students' STEM or P.E. class. Students should listen to BNN for application information. 

    Enrichment Classes and Pre-requisites:

    • Storytellers must have good grades, a desire to investigate and research, basic computer and videography skills, and positive recommendations from teachers. Additionally, Storytellers must be able to work independently to meet deadlines in an asynchronous environment. *Students selected for Storytellers will also receive a school-issued iPad for projects.

      Sponsor:  Mrs. Brown 

    • Tech Team members must be friendly and approachable as Tech Team runs the student Help Desk.  Qualified applicants will also have:  good grades, excellent organizational skills, a conduct record free of ISS, OSS, and/or disciplinary hearings, a detail oriented mindset, and positive recommendations from teachers.  Tech Team members must be able to work independently to meet deadlines in an asynchronous environment.  *Students selected for Tech Team will also receive a school-issued iPad for projects.

      Click here for a Tech Team overview video. 

      Sponsor:  Mrs. Pace

    • Yearbook students should have:  good grades, positive teacher recommendations, a mind for deadlines, and competency with technology and photography.

      Sponsor:  Ms. Marcus