
    Click below to watch the 6th Grade Tech Night Required Video for Parents


    For frequently asked questions and answers regarding technology at BMS, please click this link.  



    ed tech

    Why is educational technology important?

    Many adults use technology tools and programs as an integral part of both their personal and professional lives. They get their news, share ideas, and connect and collaborate with friends and co-workers using devices and apps every day. Our children are also using technology in both their personal and educational lives. They need to learn how to properly and responsibly communicate via text, audio, video, and digital image creation because the careers of today and of the future demand it. A very high percentage of today’s jobs require technology skills and that’s only going to increase.

    EdTech Tips:

    1.  Check your student's browsing history often.  Know what your child is looking at while online.  From the history within each browser, you can click on the links and see the actual website, video, etc. that your child visited.  Watch this short video as it shows how to check browsing history on an iPad for both Safari and Google Chrome.  

    2.  Visit CommonSenseMedia.org for trustworthy reviews of books, movies, games, songs, etc.  CommonSense is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a rapidly changing world.  

    3.  Visit Khan Academy with your child if he or she is struggling in math.  Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization constructed with the goal of creating a set of online tools that help educate students. The organization produces short lessons in the form of YouTube videos. Its website also includes supplementary practice exercises and materials.

    4.  Want to get notifications from Aspen when your child has made a grade below a certain threshold?  You can!  Follow the directions here to set it up.  

    5.  Need help accessing Aspen on your mobile device?  Click here for screenshots and directions to make an Aspen shortcut on your device's home page.  

    Hyperlink to 10 Tech Tips to Know

    Tech Tips