Student Council Permission Slip
Bearden Middle School
Student Council
Permission to Attend Student Council Meetings and Events
I give my child, ______________________, permission to attend Student Council meetings and participate in the student council activities at Bearden Middle School for the 2019-2020 school year. I also understand that certain events may require transportation provided by myself.
I am also aware that Student Council meetings will last from 3:45 to 4:30 (calendar attached). My child will only be excused if he/she has a doctor’s note. Each student will be allowed one unexcused absence. In the event that a student has more than one unexcused absence, he/she will be removed from Student Council. I am aware and agree to the policy. If my child is not picked up on time or if other transportation arrangements are not made, he/she will possibly be exempt from future Student Council meetings and activities.
Parent/ Guardian Printed Name: _________________________________
Parent/ Guardian Signature: _____________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________
Homeroom: __________________________________________________
T-Shirt Size: _________________________________________________
Bearden Middle School
Student Council Student Contract
Student Council is a group of students who work together as a student government association at Bearden Middle School.
As a student council member I will:
- Attend all Student Council meetings and activities. I am only allowed one unexcused absence. I will not be able to participate in Student Council if I have more than one unexcused absence
- Inform other students (especially my homeroom) about the Student Council activities
- Maintain a positive and professional attitude about Bearden Middle School, the faculty, staff, and my peers
4.Take pride and interest in the appearance of the school - interior and exterior
- Abide by all school rules and teacher/staff requests
- Maintain a 2.5 GPA
- Demonstrate good citizenship and sportsmanship
- Work positively with other Student Council members (No Bullying allowed)
- Display leadership qualities in my classes and at school
- Promote Bearden Middle School in the community
Student Printed Name: ________________________________________
Student Signature: ___________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________
Homeroom: _______________________________________________
Bearden Middle School
Student Council
Student Information Sheet
Student’s Name: _______________________
Birthday: ____________
Student’s Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Student’s Cell Phone: _____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian Home Phone: _____________________________________
Parent/ Guardian Cell Phone: _______________________________________
Parent/ Guardian Work Phone: ______________________________________
Student Allergies or Special Conditions: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Grade/ Average
Teacher Signature
Language Arts
Social Studies
Red Day RA
Red Day RA
Blue Day RA
Blue Day RA