Student Council Permission Slip

Bearden Middle School

Student Council

Permission to Attend Student Council Meetings and Events



I give my child, ______________________, permission to attend Student Council meetings and participate in the student council activities at Bearden Middle School for the 2019-2020 school year.  I also understand that certain events may require transportation provided by myself.


I am also aware that Student Council meetings will last from 3:45 to 4:30 (calendar attached).  My child will only be excused if he/she has a doctor’s note.   Each student will be allowed one unexcused absence.  In the event that a student has more than one unexcused absence, he/she will be removed from Student Council.  I am aware and agree to the policy.  If my child is not picked up on time or if other transportation arrangements are not made, he/she will possibly be exempt from future Student Council meetings and activities.


Parent/ Guardian Printed Name: _________________________________


Parent/ Guardian Signature: _____________________________________


Date: _______________________________________________________


Homeroom: __________________________________________________


T-Shirt Size: _________________________________________________








Bearden Middle School

Student Council Student Contract



Student Council is a group of students who work together as a student government association at Bearden Middle School.


As a student council member I will:

  1. Attend all Student Council meetings and activities. I am only allowed one unexcused absence.  I will not be able to participate in Student Council if I have more than one unexcused absence
  2. Inform other students (especially my homeroom) about the Student Council activities
  3. Maintain a positive and professional attitude about Bearden Middle School, the faculty, staff, and my peers

4.Take pride and interest in the appearance of the school - interior and exterior

  1. Abide by all school rules and teacher/staff requests
  2. Maintain a 2.5 GPA
  3. Demonstrate good citizenship and sportsmanship
  4. Work positively with other Student Council members (No Bullying allowed)
  5. Display leadership qualities in my classes and at school
  6. Promote Bearden Middle School in the community


Student Printed Name: ________________________________________


Student Signature: ___________________________________________


Date: _____________________________________________________


Homeroom: _______________________________________________





Bearden Middle School

Student Council

Student Information Sheet


Student’s Name: _______________________                  

Birthday: ____________

Student’s Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student’s Cell Phone: _____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________________

Parent/ Guardian Home Phone: _____________________________________

Parent/ Guardian Cell Phone: _______________________________________

Parent/ Guardian Work Phone: ______________________________________


Student Allergies or Special Conditions: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Grade/ Average

Teacher Signature






Language Arts










Social Studies




Red Day RA




Red Day RA




Blue Day RA




Blue Day RA







, ; (Last Modified about a minute ago)