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Student Council Requirements

Student Council is a group of students who work together as a student government association at Bearden Middle School.


As a student council member I will:


1.    Attend all student council meetings and activities.  I am only allowed one unexcused absence.  I will not be able to participate in student council if I have more than one unexcused absence

2.    Inform other students (especially my homeroom) about the student council activities

3.    Maintain a positive and professional attitude about Bearden Middle School, the faculty, staff and my peers

4.    Take pride and interest in the appearance of the school- interior and exterior

5.    Abide by all school rules and teacher/staff requests

6.    Maintain a 2.5 GPA

7.    Demonstrate good citizenship and sportsmanship

8.    Work positively with other student council members (No Bullying allowed)

9.    Display leadership qualities in my classes and at school

10.  Promote Bearden Middle School in the community