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    *Make sure to check out our virtual School Counseling Page on Canvas!*

    Parent information on Erin's law - Erin's Law Information

    Parent information on youscience - YOUSCIENCE FLYERYOUSCIENCE FAQ



    Halls Middle School Counseling

    Welcome to the HMS School Counseling page! School Counselors are certified/licensed professionals with a master's degree or higher in school counseling. We support all students in their academic, career, and emotional/social development so that they may learn and live successfully. Our school counseling program is built to help all students develop and reach their maximum unique potential. We recognize the importance of working closely with families. Please reach out to us whenever you have a question or concern! 
    The Halls Middle School School Counseling Program is aligned with Tennessee State standards for School Counselors and the Tennessee Model for comprehensive school counseling. 
    Why do parents contact the School Counselor?
    -Questions about student schedules/class placement
    -Concerns about student achievement or behavior 
    -Concerns about emotional/social development 
    -Discussing special needs of their child  
    -School transition/orientation 
    -Community and school resources  
    -Careers and future planning 
    Fill out the Parent Referral Form Below 
    How does a student see the School Counselor?  
    -Students may stop by the counseling office with permission from a teacher. Our offices are located in the hallway across from the library.
    -Students may schedule an appointment with a school counselor through Canvas.
    - Students may fill out the weekly check in form on Fridays during Canvas. 
    Schedule Change Form
    Please complete the following form and return to your child's grade level administrator.
  • HMS School Counselors  


    Maddi Trent

    7th Grade School Counselor
    (865) 922-7494  

    Mary Kate Erb

    8th Grade School Counselor

    (865) 922-7494


    Benjamin Marvel

    6th Grade School Counselor

    (865) 922-7494



    Brooke Humphrey

    College and Career Counselor
    (865) 922-7494  