• ProjectU is a student led group focused on building unity and promoting kindness. Members help think of creative ways to help bring awareness to the topic of bullying throughout our school and community. ProjectU was first created by high school students at Hardin Valley Academy. They wanted to bring awareness to the growing issue of bullying that takes place in our schools and online. Now ProjectU is established in all middle schools across Knox County!

  • How has projectU helped bring awareness to the topic of bullying at Halls Middle School? 
    ~Motivational speaker, Stephen Bargatze, visited our school in the Spring and Fall of 2014 and presented Magic with a Message. 
    ~ProjectU members created a video that was shown to all students at the beginning of the year.
    ~When students are recognized for Random Acts of Kindness, they receive a projectU t-shirt from the front office.
    ~ProjectU members encouraged students to take a kindness pledge by signing projectU banners. They handed out kindness buttons and wristbands. :) 
    ~ProjectU hosted a movie night with pizza and popcorn in our auditorium and showed the documentary Finding Kind.  
    ~ProjectU members filled the school with positive quotes on lockers, walls, and bathroom mirrors for an Encouraging Words Day.
    ~To celebrate Valentine's Day, projectU members are handing out pink and purple hearts with words of encouragement and ideas for random acts of kindness. 