School Counselors direct students and parents to school and community resources for additional assistance or information. School assistance may include academic support such as tutoring, intervention or scheduling concerns; middle and high school planning/transition; career support such as volunteer opportunities and career day; and personal/social support such as community agencies that treat mental health concerns. In addition, school counselors use data to identify students with achievement, attendance or behavioral needs impeding student success. Additional services are provided to these students to address their specific needs.
Students may refer themselves to the school counseling office or be referred by a parent/guardian, teacher, or administrator. The best time for students to stop by our offices is during homeroom from 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. However, students may ask their teacher to speak with a school counselor anytime during the school day.
Parents may contact our offices anytime from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. or send us an email.
Source: American School Counseling Association, "Student Services."