Mission Statement
The mission of the Halls Middle School counseling program is to support all students in their academic, career, and emotional/social development so that they may learn and live successfully and cooperatively. By collaborating with community members, teachers, administrators, parents and other stakeholders, the school counseling program will maximize the teaching and learning environment to enable students to become respectable and accomplished citizens.
In accordance with the American School Counseling Association, we believe that:
-All students have the right to be respected, be treated with dignity, and have access to a comprehensive school counseling program that advocates for and affirms all students from diverse populations.
-All students have the right to receive the information and support needed to move towards self-direction, self-development, and affirmation within one's group identities.
-All students have the right to understand the full magnitude and meaning of his/her educational choices and how those choices will affect future opportunities.
-All students have the right to privacy and thereby the right to expect the counselor-student relationship to comply with all laws, policies, and ethical standards pertaining to confidentiality in the school setting.
Adapted from ASCA's Ethical Standards for School Counselors