This list is of known providers of particular services and resources for a particular topic. The providers on this list are from a variety of sources. This opportunity is being provided as a curtsey, for information only, and the user should understand that there are no assurances or guarantees regarding the providers. Knox Co. Schools neither endorse, approve, nor recommend any specific provider below. This list is not inclusive of all community agencies, services, or organizations that provide a particular service or offer resources. The responsibility of this is to determine whether any of the content is of value to them and whether or not the service meets their needs.
Counseling Resources:
AMACHI- for students with incarcerated parents (email: questions@klf.org)
Grandparents As Parents Program
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1-800-273-8255
Grief Resources:
UT College of Education - 865-974-3845 - Dr. Laura Wheat
Grief outreach initiative for ages 6-16 when school is in session
UT Hospice - Adult grief group - 865-544-6277 - Brenda Fletcher
UT Veterinary Social Work - pet loss support group - 865-755-8839
Tennova Hospice - 865-925-9130 - Pat Green - loss of parent
Suicide Grievers - P.J. Alexander Pj4031@tds.net
Covenant Hospice - 865-541-4500 - Katie McLaughlin
Compassionate Friends - 865-687-2117 - Parents that have lost children of any age
Cancer Support Community - 865-546-4661 Kathleen Williams
Helping Students With ASD Grieve
- Mental Health Association of East Tennessee www.mhaet.com
- The Mental Health Association of East Tennessee is a 501 (C)3 non-profit organization dedicated to educating the community about mental health issues.
- Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network tspn.org
- The Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network (TSPN) is the statewide public-private organization responsible for implementing the Tennessee Strategy for Suicide Prevention as defined by the 2001 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.
Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network Recommendations for Parents and Students Regarding "13 Reasons Why"National Association of School Psychologist "13 Reasons Why" Netflix Series: Considerations for Educators
MHAET brief screening tools, including screening for adolescent depression.
Stress and Coping:
Test Anxiety and Coping Skills
Talking to kids about COVID19 and activities to help with stress
Big Life Journal for Podcasts and lots of free activities, families can do together.Mindfulness:
Kids Explain Mindfulness Video
Mindfulness and the brain- presentation by Kelly Thompson, School Psychologist
Relax Your Mind Spotify Playlist
How and Why To Teach Your Kids Mindfulness
Video of my favorite mindfulness techniques- 17:45 seconds
Wisconsin's Jonathan Taylor finds his edge through yoga | College GameDay
Mindfulness and SEL Webinar
NearPod Mindfulness Superpower K-2
College and Career:
No one expects a young child to choose a career at an early age, but learning about occupation options helps inspire them to go after their dreams as they grow. By visiting career sites for kids, children get overviews and requirements for various professions and learn what they will need to pursue their ideal job.
What is a career? (Sesame Street video with Judge Sonia Sotomayor)
College For TN Career Town (enter career town and then click a level at the top- Need to run Adobe Player)
Wonderopolis (search job or career)
Read more about all the careers here!
Watch these videos about all kinds of careers!
Here are a few more fun videos about careers.
Watch these videos to learn more about Careers in our March Madness bracket:
Toy Maker
Travel Agent
Police Officer
Video Game Designer
You Tuber
Website Creator
Truck Driver
News Reporter
Bullying information:
Bullying Prevention Brochure for Parents
Info on Differences between Teasing, Taunting, Bullying
Tips for Parents of Children being Bullied
Tips for Parents of Children Witnessing Bullying
Tips for Parents of Children Bullying Others
Tips for Talking to Educators About Bullying
Social Emotional Resources:
Big Life Journal for Podcasts and lots of free activities, families can do together.
Brain Pop (also available in Spanish).
Centervention Social Emotional Learning Activities
Friendship and Social Skills:
Making Friends NearPod- K-2
Family/Sibling Conflict Questions
Feelings and Anger Management:
CASEL Vanderbilt's Guide To Teaching Kids Feelings
Strategies and tips parents can use to alleviate bedtime anxiety and encourage more sleeping hours
Family Resources:
Family/Sibling Conflict Questions
Helping Your Child Through A Divorce
Divorce Guidelines for Parents
Impact of Divorce on Young Children
AMACHI- for students with incarcerated parents
Grandparents As Parents Program
Growth Mindset/Perseverance:
Miss our Raising Tech Savvy and Smart Kids workshop? Watch the video here or here.
Academic Supports:
Online Safety:
Guidelines for Cell Phone and Technology Use
Guidelines for Cell Phone and Technology Use
Behavior Resources:
When Children Lie, Cheat and Steal
Character Education:
100 Activities To Build Character
Videos that partner with our lessons
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- Mental Health Association of East Tennessee www.mhaet.com