West High School PTSO

  • PTSO

    Welcome! The Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO), is the volunteer group that supports the students, teachers and staff at West High School. We hope you will join us as we help to make a difference at your child's school. Consider getting involved with the PTSO.
    You will find our calendar, membership information, committee chairs and other support efforts. If you have any questions, please contact us at westhighptso@gmail.com. Thank you, and we look forward to volunteering with you!

    TO JOIN THE PTSO . . . just access Donorbox, which allows users to set a monthly recurring donation online. We are encouraging folks to make a small donation each month ($10, $20, $30). Users can still make a one-time donation, if they prefer, but the default is set for monthly recurring donations. Select the link https://forms.gle/fGhyok6XRbJUjAxs5 or the QR Code below.

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