Overdue/Lost/Damaged Library Materials

Overdue Books

There are no fines for overdue books.  ParentSquare notices will be sent for books that are greater than 60 days overdue.   

Damaged/Lost Books:

Water bottles leak, pets have accidents and chew on things, siblings scribble on or tear pages.  If a book is lost or damaged beyond our ability to repair, students will be charged based on replacement cost of the book.  Families will be notified by either a letter or a ParentSquare message listing the damage and the replacement cost.  

Students with regular occurrences of damaged/lost books may be asked to keep Library books at school or lose checkout privileges (contingent on discussion with classroom teacher).

Payment for damaged/lost books may be made in cash (exact change), by check made out to HVES, or using our online payment program at:  https://hardes.givebacks.com/store/items/1078891

Teachers, please send any payments for lost or damaged library books to the library so that we can adjust the student and catalog record.  We will provide a receipt to go home and make the deposit to our bookkeeper.  

Below are pictures of some of our damaged books. 

Dog chewed the book.  Dog was fine.  Book, not so much.

book chewed by dog

Water bottle leak in backpack soaked the book causing mold growth

Water bottle leak caused mold growth

Sibling ripped pages and scribbled in book

sibling ripped and scribbled

BBQ Sauce incident in backpack

BBQ sauce in backpack

Sibling drew in the book

Drawing in the book