TN Department of Health Isolation
Welcome to Clinic Corner
Sick Policy
It is Knox County School policy that a child be fever free without medication for 24 hours prior to coming to school. A child must also have not had vomiting or uncontrolled diarrhea within 24 hours of returning to school.
The clinic does have Lice Be Gone and nit combs available upon request
Useful Links
Tennessee Early Intervention System
504 what is it and what are my rights?
Clinic Volunteers
We love clinic volunteers (parents)if you are interested in becoming a parent volunteer please email Jessica Turnbill at jessica.turnbill@knoxschools.org
Clinic Needs
Hand sanitizer
Clorox wipes
Contact Information
Jessica Turnbill RN BSN
865-470-2088 ext:2 phone
865-560-1480 fax