• These sites provide books online--some as eBooks, some as video readalouds, some as interactive readalouds.  Clicking on these links will take you out of the library web page.  Some sites may not work on student Chromebooks.  
    --Ms. Foust Perry

    Just Books Read Aloud
    Just Books Read Aloud
    This searchable site has 760 children's books read aloud by "normal (but enthusiastic) readers."  Most of the titles are in English; however, there are some titles read aloud in Spanish, Italian, French, German, and Japanese. 

    KidLit Read Out Loud
    Readalouds shared by a diverse group of parents, educators, librarians, kid lit creators, and award-winning filmmakers working together to promote a love of reading.  

    Story Time From Space
    Story Time From Space
    Astronauts on the International Space Station videotape themselves reading a variety of books to the children of Earth.  They also do educational demonstrations to complement the science concepts found in the Story Time From Space books.   

    Storyline Online
    Storyline Online
    Stories shared with us by a variety of readers including Sean Astin, Rita Moreno, James Earl Jones, Elijah Wood and Betty White.  Sponsored by EIF and presented by the SAG Foundation.  Search by title, author, or reader. 

    Storytime with Ryan & Craig 
    Every week, Ryan and Craig read aloud a new children’s book.  They make up funny voices and songs and just have a lot of fun sharing books as readalouds.  

    Unite for Literacy
    Unite for Literacy
    Unite for Literacy is a nontraditional publisher that provides books in a variety of subjects for children around the world. Written languages include English and Spanish, and 43 narration languages are available. Stories are short, font is easy to read, and the service provides an access point for free online reading materials.