2024-25 Encore Class Information
Encore (special area) classes at HVES include:
- Art
- Library
- PE
- Music
Encore classes follow a 9-day rotation, with students attending Art, Music, and PE twice over a 9-day rotation and CSC, Library and STEM once. For questions about which Encore class your student has on a particular Encore Day, check in with your child’s homeroom teacher.
For more information about upcoming Encore-led events, look for information in the HVES Newsletters that will be forthcoming from Ms. Fish and also through the HVES Facebook page and HVES School website.
Art 1 - Ms. Didi
Art 2 - Ms Armstrong● Behavior grades are given.
● If needed, parent communication will occur either through ParentSquare or by phone call.
CSC - Ms. Gardner
Library - Ms. Foust Perry
● Behavior grades are not given. If needed, parent communication will occur through ParentSquare. For more information about our library, including links to our catalog, questions about lost/damaged books or how to donate to our library, visit the library website at: https://www.knoxschools.org/Page/9042
● The library book fair is held in the spring.
Music 1 - Ms. Manka
Music 2 - Mr. Montgomery
Hardin Valley Elementary Music Class Expectations
The Hardin Valley Elementary School Music Department is proud to teach a diverse curriculum to its students, which includes theory, history, composition, performance, and analysis. Students receive two grades in music: academic and behavior.
All assignments may be corrected or redone for a new grade.
The deadline for all academic work each term:
First Nine Weeks: October 4, 2024
Second Nine Weeks: December 20, 2024
Third Nine Weeks: March 10, 2025
Fourth Nine Weeks: May 22, 2025
Participation is determined through observing the student’s engagement within the class setting. Specifically, the teacher is looking for active listening, preparation, quality contributions to class discussions, frequency of engagement with others, and completion of requested activities (such as singing, moving, etc).
Behavior is also determined through observing the student’s engagement within the class setting. However, the teacher is looking for the student’s ability to follow the classroom and school rules. Being respectful, keeping hands and feet to oneself, using equipment properly, and following the teacher's first request are all examples of the music classroom rules. Students will receive 5 points per class and grades will be averaged using total points.
Although it is possible for a student’s academic and behavior grades to be decreased at the same time, it is avoided if possible.
Families will be notified via ParentSquare when a behavior mark is received.
Please contact your music teacher directly with any questions, comments, or concerns.
PE - Coach Brengle and Coach Bailes
- Tennis Shoes. All students must wear tennis shoes in order to participate. Crocs are not acceptable for PE activities.
- First time without tennis shoes, a paper will be sent home, explaining on what days the student has PE and a schedule on the back showing their Encore schedule for our class. Also their name will be put in our book, documenting when it happened. After their second time without tennis shoes, we send a paper home again, the student name is put in our book and we make a parent call or notification by ParentSquare. Also, after the second time, the PE grade will be lowered one letter grade.
- Behavior grades are given for PE. If needed, parent communication will occur through ParentSquare.
- Any behavior that distracts from learning/teacher in our class will be handled one of two ways (1) a verbal warning will be given, individually or as a class, (2) any second warning, off-task behavior or violation of a school rule will result in the student being pulled out of the activity, their name put in our book, and documented in teacher's folder. After the student's second offense, their behavior grade will be lowered one letter grade.
- PE participates in two fundraisers each year, Funds2Orgs and Kids Heart Challenge.
- Field days are held at the end of the school year in May.
STEM - Ms. Williams
● No behavior grades are given. If needed, parent communication will occur through ParentSquare.
● STEM Night is held in the spring.