HVES Library Schedule

HVES Library Schedule

Our library is a classroom, a meeting place, a special events location and more.  Ms. Foust Perry teaches six 45-minute classes a day and one 25-minute enrichment class (Hawkeye).  Various small group & mentoring sessions are also held in the library at any given time between 8:00-2:30 and sometimes after school.  

Library Classes

During Library classes, Ms. Foust Perry shares stories and teaches lessons that build on the regular classroom experience and curriculum.  Lessons generally last for 30-35 minutes allowing 10-15 minutes for students to check out. 

There is no Open Access at this time.  Open Access hours, where students are allowed to visit the library with passes, were dependent on the availability of a library secretary.   Our library secretary funding was moved to front office support due to new attendance laws. 

After School Activities in the Library:  Due to the rigorous schedule and busy nature of the library classroom, we ask that set-up for after-school activities begins after the last class leaves at 2:30.  (Items for set-up may be stored in the Library workroom and brought in the back way without disrupting classes. 

Event planning:  Please verify dates for proposed afterschool Library use with both the Librarian and the Facilities Use Coordinator to avoid double booking.  Please designate someone responsible for set-up, clean-up and ensuring that library furniture is returned to its proper location.