• Our Mission

    The mission of the Fulton High School counseling program is to empower all students in their personal, social, academic, and college/career development.  Through equal partnerships with all stakeholders, students will be prepared to be better problem solvers and contributing members of their community with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to be lifelong learners.



  • Fulton High School Counselors

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    Kristin Fritts

    9th Grade Counselor (Freshman Academy)


    865-594-1240, press 1, press 1 


    Rachel Bond

    Communications Counselor

    865-594-1240, press 1, press 2 


    Kim Kelly

    College & Career Counselor 
     Kim Walker

    865-594-1240, press 1, press 3 


    Jenny Martin

    Health & Human Services Counselor

    865-594-1240, press 1, press 4 


    Anne Troutman

    Public Service Counselor
     Anne Troutman

    865-594-1240, press 1, press 5