School Counseling
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Early Graduation Application
Seniors must earn 28 credits and fulfill State of Tennessee Graduation Requirements by the end of the first semester (December). All Edgenuity classes must be completed and credit awarded before the end of Fall Semester. If a student does not have all required work completed, the student will be required to return to Fulton High School with a full schedule of classes for the second semester. Early graduation is subject to availability of courses needed, and remains at the discretion of Fulton Administration. Early graduates will walk with their graduating class at the May commencement ceremony and will receive their diploma at that time.
Students wishing to graduate early need to be considered a Ready Graduate. Requirements for being a Ready Graduate are posted below.
Students wishing to graduate early must also clear all school-related debts in the main office. Any student with outstanding debts will not receive their diploma until all obligations are met.
Students wishing to begin college early (Spring Semester) need to apply for Financial Aid (FAFSA) NOW since they will be entering college during the next academic school year. Failure to do so may result in loss of funding for that semester.
To Be Considered a Ready Graduate students must complete one of the following:
● earn a composite score of 21 or higher on the ACT or a 1060 or higher on the SAT; or
● complete four early postsecondary opportunities (EPSOs); or
● complete two EPSOs + earn an industry certification; or
● complete two EPSOs + earn a score of 31 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT); or
● complete two EPSOs + earn a WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (level TBD)
Early Graduation Approval Form
Please see your counselor to fill out the cap & gown/diploma google form. This form can also be found on your SLC advisory canvas page.
Request for Release of Student Records
Fulton High School
(Must be submitted 10 days in advance of deadline)
Name _________________________ Age _____ Counselor _______________
Application Deadline _____________ Date Submitted to Guidance Office ________
College: ___________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Application materials enclosed:
____ Complete Application (including fees, essays, etc.)
____ Applied On-Line Date _________
Please provide the following items:
____ Transcript of courses and grades
____ Copy of current schedule
____ Secondary School Report (student has completed required information.)
____ College Admissions Testing
____ All ____ ACT ____ SAT ____ SAT II ____AP
____ School Profile
____ Other
Please specify ______________________________
Please check only if a counselor recommendation is required for application (Brag Sheet required by student).
____ Counselor Recommendation
I request that the FHS Guidance Office mail to the institution named above my official transcript and/or test scores. I further request that, if required, the Guidance Office submit a recommendation in support of my application. I understand that this information is confidential, and I hereby waive any rights I may have to review its content.
Student Signature __________________________
Parent Signature ___________________________
(required if student is not 18)
(For guidance use only)
____ Transcript of courses and grade copied
____ Current schedule copied
____ Secondary School Report completed
____ Testing copied
____ Counselor recommendation completed
____ School Profile Included
____ Other completed