• Fulton High School Graduation Requirements


    All students must earn 28 credits and pass all state required courses (listed below).





    Number of Credits



    4 (English I, II, III, IV)



    4 (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and one higher level math)


    3 (Biology, Chemistry or Physics, and one additional lab science)


    World History/ Geography



    United States History












    Wellness and Health 1


    1 ½   (Wellness and one additional ½ credit)


    Personal Finance




    Elective Focus 2




    University Admissions3

     Students must complete two units of the same world language and one unit of fine/performing arts.



     1 Additional ½ credit in PE may be met by completing a PE course (in addition to Wellness) or by substituting a documented and equivalent time (minimum 65 hours) of physical activity in school sponsored activities such as marching band, JROTC, cheerleading, dance, interscholastic athletics and other areas pre-approved by the Board of Education. 2The elective focus may be completed in CTE (3 courses in the same CTE program area), science and math, humanities, fine arts, AP/IB, or other areas approved by the Board of Education. 3 Students not planning to attend a university may waive the units of world language and fine/performing arts to expand their elective focus (3credits).                   


    Fulton High School Elective Focus Areas




    Math and Science

    3 Math or Science courses above the already required courses in these subject areas


    A combination of 3 courses above the already required courses in English, Social Studies/Social Sciences, Foreign Language

    Fine Arts

    Theatre Arts, Visual Art, Development of Rock & Roll, General Music, Band

    ROTC (Navy)

    Physical Fitness

    PE, Advanced PE

    Human Services

    Peer Tutoring

    Dual Enrollment & Advanced Placement

    3 classes or AP or 3 classes of DE

    Career & Technical Education



    Health Science

    Communications (FulCom Magnet)

    Electrical, Carpentry, HVAC, Plumbing


  • Graduation Requirements Check Sheet (State Required Courses)

    ___ English 1                                                                         

    ___ English 2

    ___ English 3

    ___ English 4


    ___ Algebra I

    ___ Geometry

    ___ Algebra II

    ___ Add’l Math _________________


    ___ Biology                                                                            Electives:

    ___ Physics or ___ Chemistry                                                _____________________

    ___ Other Lab Science _______________                            _____________________


    ___ U.S. History                                                                     _____________________

    ___World History or ___ World Geography                          _____________________

    ___ Economics (.5 Credit)                                                      _____________________

    ___ U.S. Government (.5 Credit)                                           _____________________

    ___ Personal Finance (.5 Credit)                                            _____________________


    ___ Lifetime Wellness                                                            _____________________

    ___ Physical Education (.5 Credit)                                         _____________________


    Elective Focus:

    __Math & Science __Humanities __Fine Arts __CTE __AP/DE __ROTC __Human Serv.


    ___ Elective 1 __________________

    ___ Elective 2 __________________

    ___ Elective 3 __________________

    University Requirements ( or  Second Elective Focus)                               

    *Students not fulfilling this requirement must have a signed waiver on file and a second elective focus.

    ___ Foreign Language 1 ____________                    ___Elective #1______________

    ___ Foreign Language 2 ____________                    ___Elective #2______________

    ___ Fine Arts _____________________                   ___Elective #3______________
