School Counseling
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What’s GPA got to do with it?
Average GPA for UT’s class of 2017: 3.8 (weighted GPA)
What colleges are looking for (ranked by importance):
1. GPA/Class Rank
2. ACT/SAT Score
3. Extracurricular activities
Show me the MONEY!!!
Required GPA for the HOPE Scholarship (or ACT score of 21): 3.0
Project Grad Scholarship requires a minimum GPA of: 2.5
Top 10 ways to increase my GPA
10. Good attendance
9. Be to class on time
8. Focus on teacher/subject while in class
7. Study / Homework
6. Complete all assignments
5. Turn in all assignments
4. Have all materials for each class
3. Ask questions when I don’t understand
2. Get involved in extracurricular activities
1. Have a positive attitude
How to calculate GPA
A=4 pts B=3 pts C= 2 pts D= 1 pt F= 0 pts
Subject # Grade Letter Grade GPA Points
1.__ACT Prep__________92_____________________B_________________3___________
4.__W. History__________83____________________C__________________2___________
5.__P. Science_________74_____________________D___________________1___________
Total Points:___11_______
Divide by # of classes:___6_______
Subject # Grade Letter Grade GPA Points
Total Points:___________
Divide by # of classes:___________
With your student, calculate their GPA with each 3 week progress report. Notice on the above example that this student is within 1-3 points in each class from the next letter grade. If this student moved these grades 1-3 points their GPA would be 2.83.