Mission Statement

  • The mission of the Knox County Schools Counseling Program is to provide every student with a comprehensive school counseling program centered around an engaging curriculum that encourages the highest level of student achievement and excellence through their growth in academic, career and personal/social domains. In partnership with teachers, administrators, parents and a caring community, the school counselors will help every student to be a successful lifelong learner and problem solver.

Vision Statement

  • Knox County students are high-achieving learners who graduate college and career ready, well prepared to meet the challenges and high expectations of the 21st century. All students participate in rigorous curriculum and high-quality opportunities for self-directed personal growth supported by a comprehensive school counseling program that facilitates strategic partnerships between the school, family and community. As successful life-long learners and productive citizens, each of our students achieves excellence, making a positive difference in our schools and community.

The School Counselor at Fountain City Elementary Believes:

  • - Education is a responsibility shared by students, parents, staff, and community and is based on an atmosphere of mutual respect.

    - Every student has the potential for learning and meeting high academic standards.

    - Consideration is given to the individual needs of every student.

    - A comprehensive school counseling program should be provided for every student.

    - This program should be developmental in nature and include curriculum, planning, responsive services, and system support.