How do I Make a Referral?

    If you would like to refer your child for counseling services, please use the link below: 
    *Your referrals are confidential and are not kept in any cumulative files. 
    If you would like to refer your student for counseling services, please use the link below: 
    If you are a student who would like a brief check-in with Ms. K, click the link below: 
    To refer to the school social worker, please use the link below: 
    Students can also refer themselves if they want to chat with Ms. K while in the school building by dropping a note in her mailbox that is located outside her office door. 

What is confidentiality and what does it mean?

  • Confidentiality means that information exchanged in a counseling/group session is kept private/confidential unless released by parent or student permission. Professional School Counselors are required to follow ethical and legal guidelines in maintaining confidentiality. For the safety and well being of children, limits to confidentiality include the occasional need to consult with a child’s teacher or the school administrator; or the need to report to proper authorities if a student discloses that he or she is being harmed, has harmed, or is planning to do harm to him/herself or someone else.