Tennessee Plan to Transition to ESSA*

           [ESSAEvery Student Succeeds Act]


    The Tennessee Department of Education [TDOE] has created a plan to transition to ESSA. The draft plan presents a strong vision for the work ahead, clarity on how ESSA will strengthen our schools in Tennessee, and concrete strategies for how we will achieve our shared goals.

     You can view the plan on the TDOE site:

      TDOE ESSA webpage

     The following link will allow you to view the video~ ESSA Town Hall: Opportunities for Tennessee. Education Commissioner Candace McQueen provides an overview of the department's draft ESSA plan and the opportunities it presents for education in Tennessee.

     ESSA Town Hall: Opportunities for Tennessee

     As a stakeholder you can provide input. Comments can be made at the following link through 31 January 2017:

     Feedback form

     We will continue to update you as the ESSA plan is finalized.