
    Our Vision:



    Our vision is to be an exemplary school characterized by its success in preparing students, educators, parents, and the community for the future.  By fostering a climate of respect, cooperation, and shared expectations, all will be encouraged toward their full potential while utilizing problem-solving strategies, modern technology, and value-based decisions.  This vision reflects continued input from students, faculty, and the community, received through comprehensive surveys.  


     Our Mission:



    The mission of Fountain City Elementary is to be an exemplary school by preparing students, educators and the community for the future.  An integral part of that mission is to target reading as the primary means through which children succeed.  


    Our Beliefs:



    We believe... 

      Children need a safe, inspiring, and respectful learning environment that is created through the development of school policies.

    •   Recognizing and respecting those of diverse cultures and backgrounds will allow students to become more compassionate, productive individuals.

    •   Consistent, research-based policies will contribute to the academic achievement of all students.

    •  Shared leadership and collaborative decision-making provide guidelines to develop a successful instructional program and learning environment.

    •  Children develop self-esteem through rising to meet high expectations both academically and socially.

    •  Through maintaining an instructional focus on reading, critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, children will experience academic success.

    •  Children can learn when effective, diverse teaching methods and assessment tools are combined to meet the varied learning styles and individual needs of children.